Raging since 2015, Unshackled Fury is a bi-weekly, heavy metal-fueled podcast that takes a deep dive into the people, places and things that make World of Warcraft so special. From the latest releases and lore to community controversies and the best quiet moments in game, nothing is off limits—Unshackled Fury covers it all!
The time has come! The War Within has launched, and Berzerker and Jez are giving you all of their (spoiler free) first impressions! Plus, a Chris Metzen interview, and what might be coming at Warcraft Direct. All that and more, so pull up a chair, subscribe and download today! #Warcraft
In this episode, Berzerker and Jez are back from the wilds of the War Within prepatch, and have lived to tell about it. The good, the bad, the buggy, and the fixed, they're getting you caught up so you can gear up and be ready for the fight. Plus, who owns community interviews, Blizzard's got a new team, the difference between ooh and ahh, and a whole lot more, so subscribe and download today!
In this episode, Berzerker is back from the road and bringing special guest Ali to discuss all things War Within prepatch! Warbands, quests, skyriding, and more! Plus, another Blizzard exec takes flight, and Berzerker has a bone to pick about the new Chronicle Volume IV. So come one, come all, the time to rage is now!
In this episode, Berzerker and Jez are back once again to tear into all the latest and greatest in the World of Warcraft! Void elf madness! The legacy of Dragonflight! Imposter Syndrome! And... a dog?! Come one, come all, it's another super sized ride around the Blizzard horn with these two furious maniacs, so subscribe and download today!
In this episode, Berzerker has been left unattended and is helping you kick off Patch 10.2.7: DARK HEART! The intriguing new cinematic to kick of the Worldsoul saga, the glory of slowing down, the death of BlizzCon, the departure of a legend, and your May 2024 Trading Post ratings are all up for grabs this week! So pull up a chair, subscribe, and download today!
In this episode, Berzerker and Jez are bringing you news from The War Within Alpha! From London to California and beyond, the furious ones are giving you their first impressions of the Alpha, news from the press event in London, and how things are shaping up so far. All that, plus this month's Trading Post ratings, so stay a while, subscribe, and download this latest entry today!
In this (for real this time) episode, Berzerker and Jez are giving their thoughts on the finally revealed PvP extravaganza known as Plunderstorm! Plus, our first look at World of Warcraft subscriber numbers in a decade, a Season 4 preview and more! So pull up a chair, subscribe and download today!
In this episode, Berzerker and Jez are giving their thoughts on the finally revealed PvP extravaganza known as Plunderstorm! Plus, our first look at World of Warcraft subscriber numbers in a long, long time, a Season 4 preview and more! So pull up a chair, subscribe and download today!
In this episode, Berzerker and Jez are bringing you the latest insider info on the soon to be released Patch 10.2.6, the future of Blizzard and the Microsoft Game Pass, a brighter outlook on Hero Talents, March Trading Post ratings, and more! So pull up a chair, slam on your headphones, subscribe, and download the latest episode today!
In this episode, Berzerker is riding solo, and discusses everything from the kiss cam, to the legacy of Steve Danuser, the importance of knowing who are, and finally getting in some Trading Post ratings. Some come one, come all, subscribe and download today!